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 Our aim is to promote reading in a enjoyable way sure that this attitude is vital for the future of every individual in their academic and personal lives.  Therefore, the clubs are thought of as an entertainment experience rather than a lesson.


Nevertheless, they will support learners who already have a knowledge of the language to consolidate their grammar and widen their vocabulary, and will introduce the complete beginners to the language in an alternative way. 


Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy short stories, poems, song lyrics, magazine articles and much more according to their level and age.


There are four clubs available considering students’ ages as the main element. However, depending on other aspects such as previous knowledge, the final decision can be taken flexibly.


Furthermore, an interactive methodology will aim at the students' participation so the clubs are such a great opportunity for reflection and oral expression, aspects which are highly relevant to build confidence in people of all ages.


The post reading activity will always support understanding in a positive, encouraging and collaborative approach.


The sessions last sixty minutes and prize is £5 per child.


In the case of a second inscription under the same name, you will save £1 in each inscription. They can be your child’s friends too!


For inscriptions / inquiries, please, email us to


or contact us at (0044) 07525 861063

Reading Clubs

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